A Firesign Chat


||||||||| Catherwood re-enters the Waiting Room and explains "This is the main discussion room which is logged each night."
||||||||| Catherwood announces, "The time is 4:32 AM - I now declare Thursday's chat log for October 05, 2023 officially open!"... and then, he retires back to the vestibule...
||||||||| Catherwood strides up and snorts derisively "Presenting 'Rufus_T_Firetween', just granted probation at 8:00 PM", then leaves hurriedly.
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 5 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| New notice: '** NEW FIRESIGN CHAT TIME **
The Firesign Theatre/US Plus Stimulcast starts at 7pm Eastern this evening.
Warm-up music now begins around 6:40pm Eastern.
visit Firesign's *NEW* web site at www.firesigntheatre.com
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 6 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| It's 6:00 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Rufus_T_Firetween - dead from the yaws
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood strides in with a trumpet, plays a fanfare, and proclaims "Nine PM on Thursday, October 05, 2023 - I now declare alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre's chat officially open!" -- then he looks around at the empty room, looks at his watch, and mumbles "...am I early?"
||||||||| Catherwood leads Rufus_T_Firetween inside, makes a note of the time (8:00 PM), then fades off into the distance going on about the waiting room or the sitting room or something.
||||||||| New notice: '** There will be a Firesign Theatre/US Plus Stimulcast starting at 7pm Eastern this evening. **
Warm-up music begins around 6:40pm Eastern
You can join the streams now (NO AUDIO YET - just a chance for everybody to get connected)
Listen to the stream at 320k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u
128k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny128k.m3u
(streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net)
||||||||| DJTweeny enters at 8:00 PM as Catherwood takes their hat and goat and scurries off to the Chapeau Manger.
||||||||| New notice: '** WE'RE GLAD YOU MADE IT!! **
Currently playing: warm up music – SARAH MCLACHLAN-LAWS OF ILLUSION
Listen to the stream at 320k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u
128k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny128k.m3u
(streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net)
||||||||| Catherwood steals into the room, and snorts derisively "Announcing 'ddywnall', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 8:00 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the vestibule...
ddywnall: hey tween
DJTweeny: evenin' llan
ddywnall: not familiar with sarah mclachlan
ddywnall: sounds pretty modern though
DJTweeny: Sarah McLachlan - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_McLachlan
||||||||| A time machine materializes at 8:00 PM and Bob's Dad bounds out, carrying a grape from ancient Greece.
DJTweeny: Hey Bob's Dad
Bob's Dad: I've changed my name today in honour of my late cat Bob
DJTweeny: Ah, of course :(
Bob's Dad: I can't listen to Sarah because her music was played at my daughter's memorial.
DJTweeny: One of Renee's (RFD) cat's just died as well. Must be difficult
Bob's Dad: my friend who mc'd her memorial was at a sarah concert recently and he thought of that too.
DJTweeny: Wow Cat, sorry I didn't know
Bob's Dad: Renee sometimes is a visitor to your Tuesday show, right?
DJTweeny: She's a long time member of RFD. She and her husband Brian use to do shows.
ddywnall: I dont remember a renee
Bob's Dad: On the other hand, Sarah has done a lot to promote music education here in BC so I am thankfiul to her for that.
DJTweeny: and yeah they show up at my Tuesday show on occasion
||||||||| New notice: '** WE'RE GLAD YOU MADE IT!! **
Listen to the stream at 320k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u
128k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny128k.m3u
16k at: http://gamebird.ehhh.us:8000/rfd1.m3u
(streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net)
ddywnall: I got knocked offline a moment ago and didnt see you come in bob. who are you usually?
||||||||| Catherwood enters with Merlyn close behind, grumbles something about disrupting his 8:00 PM tree-stunting plans, and rushes off to the Aviary.
DJTweeny: *used to do
ddywnall: Hey Merlyn
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 11 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
Bob's Dad: i think she has a foundation that gives scholarship to poor students and buys instruments for schools. a nobel thing. We have long sponsored a scholarship in Monique's name at the collage she was enrolled in.
Bob's Dad: Hi Merl.
DJTweeny: Very nice, Cat :)
Bob's Dad: https://www.sarahschoolofmusic.com/
Bob's Dad: Both Fumiyo and I were teachers in Japan for a long time. It's a good thing to do
DJTweeny: Didn't know Fumiyo was a teacher, cool
ddywnall: what did you teach, cat?
DJTweeny: English
DJTweeny: and he played Firesign on Japanese radio :)
Merlyn: Hey bons dad, ddywnall
ddywnall: my mother was a high school english teacher
DJTweeny: Hey Merlyn
Merlyn: hey DJ
Bob's Dad: He's having a CSNY album?
ddywnall: lol cat
||||||||| Catherwood interjects: "You first bag will be your last."
ddywnall: great album
Bob's Dad: their best.
Currently Playing — from Firesign Theatre's new FOOLS IN SPACE
“The Milton Berle Murder Mystery”
128k stream at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or 16k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
Check out FOOLS IN SPACE at >> https://firesigntheatre.com/store/brucesnyderdesignandtime-mk6dl?rq=fools%20in%20space
ddywnall: right at dis momint Im haveen a csny
Bob's Dad: My first girlfriend Became my girlfriend because I crooned the entire Deja Vu album to her at my cousin's party.
ddywnall: thats funny
ddywnall: I light the fire...you place the flowers....
Bob's Dad: memorizing entire firesign albums really strenghtens your memory muscles.
ddywnall: I know that frm experience
ddywnall: whatching jeopardy does that too. but I take a break from it on thursdays
ddywnall: watching
Bob's Dad: when i hitchiked accross Canada in 71 and 73, I was able to get long rides because I could recite entire Firesign albums to my rides. also sing (badly) very long Dylan songs.
DJTweeny: hah, kewl
Bob's Dad: Dr Memory is useful.
ddywnall: did you ever find that your rides could do firesign dialogue with you?
ddywnall: a guy picked me up hitchhiking once and was surprised that I could runlines from King Lear with him
Bob's Dad: no, but when I got to Montreal and walked up to the of the mt (the city is named after it) i encountered a couple of guys who were doing Nick Danger between them. I joined in.
ddywnall: fantastic
Bob's Dad: TOP of Mt. Royal.
ddywnall: about the first mountain you come to after you get into canada from NY if I remember right
ddywnall: a lot of flat land between there and the adirondacks
Bob's Dad: I'm reading a book that's mostly set there, Braiding Sweetgrass.
ddywnall: cool
||||||||| Catherwood interjects: "Scene 3 - Take 600"
Rufus_T_Firetween: Bob's Dad: no, but when I got to Montreal and walked up to the of the mt (the city is named after it) i encountered a couple of guys who were doing Nick Danger between them. I joined in. << Hahaha, great :-)
Bob's Dad: A first nations Botany professor at one of the colleges in upstate NY
Bob's Dad: One of the best books I've ever read, and I've read A LOT of books.
Bob's Dad: subtitled Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants.
Rufus_T_Firetween: 'teachings of plants' is an interesting concept
ddywnall: I just looked it up on wiki. looks very interesting
Bob's Dad: Supurbly interesting and wondrously written.
Bob's Dad: Profoundly helpful to me now, after Bob's week of suffering and death.
Rufus_T_Firetween: :-(
Bob's Dad: Bergman actually said, "Fuck Me" but only the Me survives my edit.
Rufus_T_Firetween: Well at least he's not in pain anymore...
Bob's Dad: That's what we told him as he died.
Rufus_T_Firetween: Thanks for the editing, Cat. The RFD Program Director will be appreciative ;)
Bob's Dad: a (fucking) idiot becomes "king idiot" I like that.
Bob's Dad: there are a lot of king idiots.
ddywnall: well when you consider all the inbreeding in the royal line
Bob's Dad: Bergman's daughter Lily told me that Pete's favourite countries were NZ and Syria.
ddywnall: no disrespect to chuckie3
Bob's Dad: Just before he died, he told Lily to take his corpse to Syria. This is 2012, during their vast war. She told him, "No Fucking Way"
Bob's Dad: He was cremated in lA.
ddywnall: iowa?
ddywnall: oh, I get it. sorry
Bob's Dad: Los Angeles.
ddywnall: lol
Bob's Dad: This is from Ossman's first novel. I have to re-read that. It's very good.
Bob's Dad: When Elayne, her then husband and I drove down from Vancouver to meet Ossie, he had just gotten off the phone with publishers trying to sell this.
Bob's Dad: He complained to us that they were all far too young
Bob's Dad: They'd never heard of Firesign. This was 1995.
Bob's Dad: He was now reading from Chapter 4, Mr Pickwick's Paradise. Takes place at the Pickwick Bookstore in Hollywood, which was one of my favourite booktstores in LA
||||||||| Catherwood escorts Bottles into the room, accepts a $3 bill as a gratuity, mumbles something about 8:00 PM, then departs.
Bottles: Hey yall
DJTweeny: Hey Bottles
Bob's Dad: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-05-25-we-5692-story.html
Bottles: Is this the MB murder mystery?
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out Bottles' SCRATCHED UP RADIO THEATER at >> https://kkrn.org/shows/scratched-up-radio-theater
Bob's Dad: Hi Bottles. I look forward to your show this eve, as I do to all your plays.
DJTweeny: 'tis, Bottles
Bottles: Thank you Bob's Dad. Yep firsr airing tonight at 8
Merlyn: Hey Bottles
Bottles: Hi Merlyn!
Bob's Dad: Speaking of Low Riders, I saw a great exhibit about Low Riders at the Denver art museum.
||||||||| Catherwood trudges in at 8:00 PM, dragging Beet by one leg and asks "Can anyone vouch for this Firehead?"
Bob's Dad: There was even a space where kids could colour little paper cars
Bob's Dad: HI Beet
Beet: hello all.
Beet: Hey, Bob
Bob's Dad: I lvoe Museums that have exhibits that involve kids.
DJTweeny: Yo Beet
Bottles: Hello Beet
Beet: Hi, Tweeny,Bottles
DJTweeny: Bob's Dad: I lvoe Museums that have exhibits that involve kids. << It was many decades ago, but I seem to remember The Smithsonian in D.C. having that
Merlyn: Hi Beet
Beet: Hi, Mr Merl
ddywnall: I dont remember any museums like that
Bob's Dad: The Smithsonian is a bunch of museums, eh?
Bottles: You could say that I guess
ddywnall: I have been to the smithsonian twice and the museum of natural history once. I prefer those kinds of museums
Bob's Dad: I remember seeing the Spirit of St Louis and one of the early space capsules when I visited DC in 64.
ddywnall: or is it musea
Bottles: In SF there's the Exploratorium which is full of kids' activities. Adults too.
||||||||| Catherwood interjects: "Join the expectant crowd gathering now as we stop here on..."
Bob's Dad: Very diffrerent museums when I was in DC in 2005.
Beet: Smithsonian is a great place.
Bob's Dad: i've been there, Bottles. Loved the room where you can expereince the 1906 quake.
Bottles: I missed that room, I guess.
ddywnall: without getting buried under debris?
Bob's Dad: as you may know, i wrote a radio play partly about that SF quake. CAST. Tweeny and Llan are both in it.
Bottles: Sounds cool. I've only felt minor ones.
Bottles: Yeah, about your grandfather?
Bob's Dad: I experiences LOTs of them in Tokyo.
Bob's Dad: no, my uncles.
Bottles: Right..
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Listen/Download Cat’s play CAST at >> http://kurtericson.net/cat/#PLAYS
ddywnall: I got woken up by an earthquake once
ddywnall: I was dreaming that someone was shaking my bed
Bob's Dad: My grandfather fled Russia after 2 of his sons., Louis and Adam, were drafted into the Russian Navy during the Russo-japanese war.
Bottles: I got woken up by my neighbor, who called me to ask me if I felt it.
Bottles: Like at 3 am/
ddywnall: it was great fun recording that, cat
Bob's Dad: Thankfully they survived the war, which killed a LOT of Russians, and ended up delivering grain to earthquake and fire ravaged SF in 06.
||||||||| Catherwood interjects: "Close the door, and the light stays on!"
Bob's Dad: i have to finish my Ukrainian play. Several voices by Llan.
Bob's Dad: I thought I was a good playwrite at age 9. But then again, my father wasn't David Ossman.
Bottles: Can you put 2 hotels on Boardwalk?
Bob's Dad: Only if it's a Broad walk.
Bottles: That makes sense.
Bob's Dad: spesaking of broad walks, Bob loved to sleep on the tiny top of his scratch post. A vast cat on a tiny platrform. I'm going to post a picture of it on facebook later.
||||||||| Catherwood interjects: "Scalp 'em, Tantric!"
Bob's Dad: never had a cat sleep in as many places as Bob, and he was only with us for 2 1/2 years.
Bottles: Cool. I just adopted a 10 year old mature cat. A bit of a grouch. But she doesn't climb on stuff. Except the bed.
Bob's Dad: He loved to sleep in the laundry hamper. Now whenever I see sometihng black in the hamper, i still think it's Bob.
Bottles: Did he ever get a bath in the washing machine?
||||||||| Catherwood interjects: "Stop torturing me Ethyl!"
Bob's Dad: Bob never slept with me. HIs predecessors Jazz and Blues slept with me al their lives. Very different relationships.
||||||||| Catherwood walks in wearing his pyjamas, yawns, and mumbles "It's midnight here in New York city"...then he falls over and starts snoring loudly..
Bob's Dad: We had to be carfeful, checking the washer and the dryer to make sure he wasn't in the machines.
Bottles: Where are they going to air Treasure Island? Anyone know yet?
Rufus_T_Firetween: Bob's Dad: We had to be carfeful, checking the washer and the dryer to make sure he wasn't in the machines. << lol
Bob's Dad: Just before Bob died, Fumiyo told the vet, Bob was the only cat who played HIde and Seek with me.
Bob's Dad: He wanted to play with me too, but I'm not playful enough.
Bottles: Schwartzenegger wasn't as bad a governor as I expected. I guess Maria made sure of that.
Bob's Dad: Ossman will post it on facebook i'm sure, Bottles
||||||||| Catherwood interjects: "Scene 3 - Take 600"
Bob's Dad: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=c80c3ef391&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1778943948926607878&th=18b01418a719e206&view=att&disp=safe
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Be sure to join me (Kurt in Austin) for my live RADIO FREE ROADKILL show from 7-9pm Eastern every Tuesday at www.dishnuts.net where I play Firesign Theatre and take your music requests - RFR Archives at www.kurtericson.net/txroadkill/roadkillshow
Bob's Dad: let's see if this works
Bob's Dad: have to find a way to extract this photo of Bob on the scratching post
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Thanks to RADIO FREE DISHNUTS for providing the streaming server for this show. If you'd like to make a small contribution to help with the server fees, there's a PayPal link to donate here >> http://dishnuts.net
Bottles: Oh good. I didn't miss the murder, sounds like.
Beet: Well, gotta go. Nice to see everybody. Hasta luego. G'Nite all.
||||||||| Catherwood interjects: "The future ain't here yet, man!"
Bottles: Maybe I did, but I love the giant rat.
Bob's Dad: by beet
ddywnall: nite beet
Bob's Dad: Philly K Dick?
Bob's Dad: i knew Tiny Dr Tim. He was our guide to Seattle for the 1999 shows there when I was in Seattle with Doc Tech, Merl (we shared a room) and many others
Bob's Dad: Wonderful guy.
Bob's Dad: Doc and I were trying to find him in the food court.
ddywnall: he used to show up at bobsbrazerkolounge on yahoo occasionally
Bob's Dad: didnt know what he looked like so we walked around the court murmuring, "tiny dr tim"" until we finally found him and his girlf frined, wearing firesign shirts
ddywnall: cool
||||||||| New notice: '** WE'RE GLAD YOU MADE IT !! **
Currently playing: from the BOX OF DANGER collection
“The Three Faces Of Al”
Listen to the stream at 320k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u
128k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny128k.m3u
16k at: http://gamebird.ehhh.us:8000/rfd1.m3u
check out BOX OF DANGER at >> https://www.shoutfactory.com/music/spoken-word/the-firesign-theatre-s-box-of-danger-the-complete-nick-danger-casebook
Bob's Dad: When we moved back to Vancouver in 1988, i found this album and Anything at a local record store.
Bob's Dad: Remember record stores?
Bottles: I almost remember records.
Bob's Dad: I knew Anythyng from Not Insane and other older iterations, but this was unknown to me.
ddywnall: a friend of mine from bobsbrazerkolounge sent me 3 faces on cassette
ddywnall: pat metheny was on side 2 . I hope I still have it
Bob's Dad: metheny was on a firesign album?
Bob's Dad: i saw him in vancouver long ago. fantastic guitarist.
ddywnall: no, on the cassette
Bob's Dad: aha
Bob's Dad: would have been a great combination
||||||||| Catherwood tiptoes into the room, and snorts derisively "Announcing 'Bottles again', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 8:00 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the sitting room...
ddywnall: sure would
Bottles again: Hi again, pushed the wrong key.
Bob's Dad: i think skunk baxter was on Fighting Clowns
DJTweeny: hello Bottles again
Bob's Dad: pretty sure Austin knew him.
ddywnall: austin knew everybody in LA
ddywnall: amblidikavish
ddywnall: sorry, I panicked
Bob's Dad: Procgtor know Everybody. Austin, I'm not sure about that. Not really a social kinda dude.
ddywnall: he knew the grateful dead, joni mitchell, frank zappa. seems like a socialite
||||||||| Catherwood interjects: "Get on it and do it every day!"
Bottles again: I thought Amblidikavish was a Russian name
Bob's Dad: helived near zappa and joni. wrote a movie for the dead.
ddywnall: thats good to know, bottles
Bottles again: Just trying to analyze Bob's Dad
Bob's Dad: austin told me zappa used to stash his groupies at austin's house and joni lived so close she had to keep her mom off the deck so she woudln't observe zappa swimming with his naked groupies
ddywnall: I could be wrong
Bottles again: ...His comment
ddywnall: I wonder if gail approved of he groupies
ddywnall: the
ddywnall: I was never a big zappa fan but I liked hot rats and shut up and play your guitar
ddywnall: which he should have done more often
Bottles again: The first Zappa I heard was Absolutely Free. Still a favorite.
Bob's Dad: me too, bottles
Bob's Dad: brown shoes dont' make it.
ddywnall: I used to hear the mothers on the dr demento show when I was a kid. I kind of liked Brown Shoes Dont Make it
Bottles again: I
Bob's Dad: it inspired the creation of Electrician. Ossman profoundly influenced by America Drinkis and Goes Home
Bottles again: I'm losing status at the high school.
Bottles again: I used to think that it was my school-oo-oo-oo
ddywnall: I must have been 12 years old when I heard brown shoes
Bottles again: A bunch of pompom girls looked down their nose at me etc
Bob's Dad: lots of girls sharing one nose? was this a cocaine thing?
ddywnall: lol
ddywnall: she shattered me glass eye. LOL
||||||||| New notice: '** THANKS FOR LISTENING, ALL! **
Thanks to Radio Free Dishnuts, www.dishnuts.net, for providing the streaming server for the simulcast :)
Be sure to join me (Kurt in Austin) for my live RADIO FREE ROADKILL show from 7-9pm EST every Tuesday at www.dishnuts.net
Listen to the ARCHIVES FOR FIRESIGN CHAT SHOWS at: www.kurtericson.net/firesign
Rufus_T_Firetween: 'Mother Of Cod' lol
Merlyn: nite all
DJTweeny: nite Merl
Bottles again: Thanks Merlyn, Kurt & Cat!
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Thanks for listening, everybody… See you next week, same Firetime, same Firestation…
ddywnall: cool
Bob's Dad: maybe one next week, we'll see
Bob's Dad: bye
Merlyn: bye
ddywnall: thanks tween and cat
||||||||| 8:00 PM -- Merlyn left for parts unknown.   (Entry from Nick Danger's "Idiots I Have Been Paid To Follow").
ddywnall: nite everybody
||||||||| At 8:00 PM, ddywnall dashes out the door saying "Hey, mister ice-cream man, I've got a nickel, wait for meeeee..."
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 1 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
DJTweeny: Until last time, again...
||||||||| 8:00 PM -- DJTweeny left for parts unknown.   (Entry from Nick Danger's "Idiots I Have Been Paid To Follow").
||||||||| It's 1:15 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Bob's Dad - dead from jaundice
||||||||| Rufus_T_Firetween - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 1:30 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Bottles - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 1:45 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Beet - dead from Covid 19
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 2 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 3 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| It's 3:00 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Bottles again - dead from jaundice
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood enters, and announces to all and sundry "It's 4:31 AM, time to change the log file and clean out unused rooms; please exit the chat room for a minute or two. Thank you for your patience."

The Evening's Participants:
Bob's Dad
Bottles again
URL References:

Rogue's Gallery:

cat_pp.jpg (5168 bytes)
PP and Cat(cease)

newbunny.jpg (4426 bytes)

capeken.jpg (7639 bytes)
kend^/Dr. Headphones

ossman+me.gif (6000 bytes)
Merlyn and Tirebiter

capedoc.jpg (6006 bytes)

newlili.jpg (6085 bytes)

freq.jpg (4441 bytes)

roto.jpg (6046 bytes)

babs_so.jpg (5555 bytes)
LeatherG & SO

nino1.jpg (5352 bytes)

tonk1.jpg (6123 bytes)

ahclem+Bambi.jpg (9500 bytes)
Ah, Clem and Bambi

old-man.gif (55478 bytes)
Compañero Señor Yämamoto

ashhar.jpg (9068 bytes)
Dexter Fong

newelayne.jpg (15.1 kbytes)

Bubba's Brain.jpg (6600 bytes)
Bubba's Brain

Bightrethighrehighre.jpg (6600 bytes)

boney.jpg (20600 bytes)

llan.jpg (13200 bytes)

tweeny.jpg (12588 bytes)

3rdmate.jpg (23157 bytes)

peggy.jpg (5240 bytes)
Peggy Blisswhips

audrey.jpg (4873 bytes)
Audrey Farber

tdt.jpg (6077 bytes)
Tiny Dr. Tim
Rest In Peace, Dear Friend

capeklok.jpg (5469 bytes)
404 - Not Found, Not Forgotten

And, "The Home Team"