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Firesign Press Release - 9/29/2011 (updated 11/18/2011)

Anythynge You Want To - book cover

More than just a rousing send-up of Shakespeare, ANYTHYNGE YOU WANT TO is a full-length theatrical entertainment, written and re-written continually throughout The Firesign Theatre's long performing career. This volume collects every iambic double entendre and silly soliloquy into a surreal comedy opus, complete with Firesign's "scholarly" introduction, tongue-in-cheek footnotes, diagrams, and even recipes!

Firesign has infused the classic Shakespearian scenes of hurricanes at sea, witches capering about a cooking pot, apparitions on the battlements, graveyard passion and mortal combat in ANYTHYNGE YOU WANT TO with their notoriously twisted political and social humor - a devastating oil spill, alchemical terrorism, sleezy politics and Hollywood shenanigans are all part of the laughs.

As Firesign tells it, the legendary writing/acting quartet has been around, writing and performing plays since 1600 when they collaborated with the Bard on ANYTHYNGE before taking their act on the road to the New World. Reborn in the Old West as "Dr. Firesign's Theatre of the Plains," these fighting clowns have since worn many disguises and had countless high adventures on stage, in movies and over the radio.

The tales told here fill in the comic mythology of Firesign's most popular recorded worlds, connecting Nick Danger and George Tirebiter to Hemlock Stones, The Electrician, and "Everything You Know is Wrong." Bonus scripts include 1967's radio saga "The Armenian's Paw" and an early club-act favorite, "Waiting for The Mount of County Crisco."

Filled with photographs from performances, along with graphics by Bruce Litz, ANYTHYNGE YOU WANT TO is truly Firesign's major work of high comedy.

The paperback edition of ANYTHYNGE can be purchased directly from Firesign, through the Firesale Store.

Anythynge You Want To - book cover

Finally available after thirty years, MARCHING TO SHIBBOLETH collects all the words (and sound effects) to Firesign's favorite audio comedies of the Seventies, including Waiting For the Electrician; How Can You Be In Two Places At Once; Nick Danger; Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me The Pliers; I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus, and The Giant Rat of Sumatra.

MARCHING TO SHIBBOLETH, now under the imprint of Bear Manor Books, reproduces both of Firesign's "Big Books," originally published in 1972 and 1974 by Straight Arrow. Designed by Jon Goodchild and Richard Silverstein, the texts are full of photographs, collages and weirdly cool typography typical of High Seventies Style. Phil Proctor edited the visuals and David Ossman the album transcripts for Firesign. Alan Rinzler was editor for Straight Arrow.

Both books have been collector's items for a couple of decades. Collecting both under one cover puts the best known Firesign works together for the first time and provides readers with the unique word-for-word wordplay which was often confusing - er, confused with that of James Joyce during Firesign's heyday.

The four major titles - Electrician, How Can You Be, Dwarf and Bozos collectively present Firesign's prescient look at technology, the media, American history and paranoia (especially in the classic "Beat The Reaper!" gameshow.) The Giant Rat is their tribute to British "Goon Show" humor and Nick Danger, Third Eye has become the classic send-up of both the "noir" detective story and Golden Age radio.

Check back here for updates regarding publish date and pre-order availability through the Firesale store.

Addendum from David Ossman:

"Bear Manor has asked for a third Firesign collection... 2012 brings Exorcism In Your Daily Life - The Psychedelic Firesign Theatre, collecting the acid-freekout theatrical scripts ('Freek For A Week' (aka 'The Hippy Faust' from 1967)) and 'Profiles in BBQ Sauce' ((LBJ killed JFK!) early in 1968), the Magic Mushroom shows from Winter 1967, and everything else through 'The Martian Space Party,' which marked the End of the Era."

Needless to say: when more details become available, you can read about it here!

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